Dan Shefet is the founder of Cabinet Shefet – the firm has focused on international law including European law.
Dan Shefet is a French lawyer, born in Denmark, and the author of the individual specialist report to UNESCO on ‘Online Radicalization’, Expert with the Council of Europe on the Internet Ombudsman, Advisor to UNESCO/ Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development, Member of UN SRP Task Force on the Use of Personal Data by Corporations and President of AAID. Dan holds a philosophy degree and a law degree from the University of Copenhagen in addition to law studies in France. He specializes in European law as well as Human Rights, in general, and in the IT environment, in particular. Dan is a frequent speaker at international conferences on IT law, data privacy, and content regulation. In 2014, he founded the Association for Accountability and Internet Democracy (AAID). The main objective of this association is to introduce a general principle of accountability on the internet in order to secure the protection of human integrity.